1 minute read

I recently had the requirement to inject the content of an email into an existing page of a website. The problem with just including the full HTML content of an email is that, if the included email includes any CSS styles this will effect the actual website. I was seeing all links turning blue and being underlined for example which was a totally different style to the site itself. But as you can imagine this could cause all sorts of problems.

3 minute read

Since 2010 I have been keeping a record of all my development work in Google calendar. Day by day each of the tasks I have completed are recorded. I originally decided to do this due the agency I was working at the time, introducing a really crap piece of time recording software. This was the first company that I had worked for which required me to fully account for my working week. There was no chance after each piece of work I was going to log into the timesheets software trying to figure out…

3 minute read

As the new site has been put together on new platforms I had never used before, I thought a post about this may inspire others to give them a go also.